Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It is an overcast morning in Las Vegas, and I love it.  We hardly ever get cloudy skies, so it feels like a cozy treat when we do.  
I've been working on my illustration for the word of the week ("adapt") at night after Patrick and I finish dinner and after we clean up.  Anabelle goes to sleep at 7, so we have the rest of the evening to ourselves.  (To draw or space out as the case may be.  duhhhhhhhhhhhh)  It feels absolutely delicious to be thinking creatively again.  It puts purpose to my days - roots them down so that every time I sit down to my paper I feel like I'm coming back to... myself. HOWEVER I also get really wound up from working which is not the best thing right before hitting the sack.  My brain just starts going and I feel like I could work and work and work. Good thing I am much too sensible to do that -- Anabelle wakes up at 6am if not earlier.  So the time that I do have to work is like a little gem.  
It's great to have a weekly due date because it keeps me from getting overly attached to each piece.  They are exercises rather than masterpieces.  I'll post "Adapt" in the next couple of days.

1 comment:

  1. kate--i'm so proud and impressed with you and this blog full of a goal to continue your amazing art. love you girlfriend!! you inspire me ;)....
